2015-2016 Financial Summary
Our 2015-2016 fiscal year was another rewarding year of watching our community grow. By year end we were able to meet our fundraising goal with a total of $54,181.22 raised. To the right is a breakdown of the program areas these funds were used to support. And below is just a sampling of the specific opportunities and enrichment that these programs brought to MCH students and families.
Field Trips/ProgramsMad Science
Nutcracker Seattle Art Museum Islandwood Firefighters Seattle Symphony Gardening Eric Ode Author/Storyteller Margaret Read MacDonald SponsorshipIn partnership with the school, several families were able to remain at Montessori Children's House through tuition assistance.
SponsorshipMEIPN Training for Staff
Multiple conferences CommunityEnd of the Year Carnival
Parent’s Night Out Redmond Derby Day’s Parade Harvest Fest Parent Map lecture series on Free Range Parenting |